Rodents Eating Your Water Pipes?

Rodents and your water pipes.

If you think having rats in your roof isn’t a big deal, think again…

A client of mine has just forked out over $25,000 in repairs after rodents started chewing through water pipes all throughout their home causing extensive water damage.

And their insurance told them vermin damage isn’t covered.

Rodent’s teeth never stop growing, they need to chew all the time to prevent their teeth from getting too long and they will happily chew wood, electrical cabling and water pipes.
To avoid damage to your home you need to get rid of them ASAP

Prevention – No free meals
Keep your kitchen tidy, keep pantry food, and pet food in airtight containers.
Don’t let excess pet food sit uneaten in food bowls.
Avoid keeping chickens as pets, chicken food and chicken droppings attract vermin.
Excess bird feed is an easy meal for rodents.
Keep household rubbish in bins with lids.
De-clutter your garden and keep your grass mowed.
Keep your house and storage areas tidy.
Seal any easy entry points into your home.

Suspect you have rodents?
Place bait blocks in your roof and monitor them for activity, this is what rodent professionals will do if they suspect an infestation in your home. Put the poison in a safe and secure place out of reach of children and pets and wash your hands after use.
Mouse traps are highly effective also and can be placed in areas where poison might not be safe to use such as a cupboard. For bait, pull a little piece of cotton from a cotton tip and cover it in peanut butter, this is great bait for snap close traps in my experience. Their teeth catch on the cotton and set off the trap.

Signs of Damage
Signs of damage include gnaw marks, half eaten food and damaged packing. The more rodents there are, the more damage you will see.

When do get help
If after preventative measures and self-treatment there is still evidence of rodent activity its time to call in a professional, they will advise you on prevention measures and place bait blocks throughout your home which they will then monitor regularly until activity ceases.

If rats have chewed on your water pipes and you need them repaired, give me a call.

0421 243 422

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